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产品名称 银耳多糖(TFPS)厂家直销 品牌   牌号
CAS号 INCI Tremella fuciformisBerk
有效物含量 99%









1,保湿作用 TFPS是一种从银耳中提取得到的水溶性的高分子聚合物,其平均分子量超过一百万;同时经过原料筛选配以特殊的制备工艺,TFPS使包含了甘露糖等四种糖组成的重复糖链结构,耐热稳定,适合各种酸碱环境调制,且无需与各类多元醇共配,就能达到保湿和营养皮肤的效果。具有修复表皮、增加表皮含水量的功能,其优越的亲和力使皮肤变得湿润、光滑。 

2,润滑性和成膜性 TFPS是一种高分子多糖,具有很好的润滑性和成膜性。添加TFPS的护肤品涂抹时润滑感明显,具有良好的手感,可在皮肤表面形成一层均匀的有一定厚度的薄膜,使皮肤具有良好的滑爽感和湿润感,不收缩,不感觉紧绷,对皮肤起到保护作用。同样,在护发品中添加TFPS,可以在头发表面形成一层保护膜,起到保湿、润滑,消除静电,使头发更易于梳理、飘逸自然。 

3,抗氧化及抗衰老 TFPS通过抑制细胞脂质的过氧化反应,从而防止皮肤的老化;促进弹性细胞生长;减少UV对皮肤的伤害;活化表皮细胞,修复光损皮肤;加快皮肤再生;消皱去皱。

4,乳化作用 TPFS同时具有一定的乳化作用。在具体配方应用中,可以替代乳化剂的部分乳化功能,降低乳化剂的实际使用量。 

5,增稠作用 TPFS具有很高的粘度,1%的TFPS水溶液成透明凝胶状,添加在化妆品中可起到增稠和稳定的作用。如在护发素配方中,TFPS既可作为水相保湿剂,又同时能增加水相增稠剂的作用。







【包装规格】  1kg/袋,5kg/袋、10kg/袋铝箔袋,内衬塑料袋,25kg/桶,药用包装桶。 

【保存时间】 2年

【注意事项】 请置于阴凉干燥处,开启即用,剩余物品需置于密封容器中或包扎封口存放,避免吸潮变质。



指导价格 7000元

Tremella polysaccharide for cosmetics

Tremella polysaccharide for health care products

[Properties] White or off-white powder, easy to absorb moisture, insoluble in organic solvents such as ethanol, acetone and ether.

Content: 99%

[Main components] Water-soluble polysaccharides and alkali-soluble polysaccharides. Acidicteroglucan, the structure of which is based on α-mannan, with β-(1,2)L-xylose, β-(1,2)glucuronic acid and a small amount of fucoal Side chain. Several other polysaccharides are neutral heteropolysaccharides composed of xylose, mannose, galactose, glucuronic acid and pectin.

TFPS is a basidiomycete polysaccharide immunopotentiator, which has the functions of improving immune function and promoting white blood cells. It can significantly improve the phagocytic function of the reticuloendothelial cells of experimental animals, promote non-specific immunity, and increase the levels of immunoglobulin and serum total complement. It can prevent and treat myelosuppression caused by radiation and anti-tumor drugs (such as CTX), and also promote protein synthesis in the liver.

[Applications in cosmetics]

1, moisturizing effect TFPS is a water-soluble high molecular polymer extracted from white fungus, the average molecular weight of more than one million; at the same time through the raw material screening with a special preparation process, TFPS contains four kinds of mannose The repeating sugar chain structure of sugar composition is heat-resistant and stable, suitable for various acid-base environment modulation, and can achieve the effect of moisturizing and nourishing skin without co-matching with various types of polyols. It has the function of repairing the epidermis and increasing the water content of the epidermis. Its superior affinity makes the skin moist and smooth.

2. Lubricity and film formation TFPS is a high molecular polysaccharide with good lubricity and film forming properties. The TFPS skin care product has obvious lubricating feeling when applied, and has a good hand feeling, and can form a uniform film with a certain thickness on the skin surface, so that the skin has a good smooth feeling and moist feeling, does not shrink, does not feel tight, Protects the skin. Similarly, adding TFPS to the hair care product can form a protective film on the surface of the hair to moisturize, lubricate, and eliminate static electricity, making the hair easier to comb and natural.

3, anti-oxidation and anti-aging TFPS inhibits cell lipid peroxidation, thereby preventing skin aging; promoting elastic cell growth; reducing UV damage to the skin; activating epidermal cells, repairing light-damaged skin; speeding up skin regeneration; Wrinkle and wrinkle.

4, emulsification TPFS has a certain emulsification. In the specific formulation application, it can replace the partial emulsification function of the emulsifier and reduce the actual use of the emulsifier.

5, thickening effect TPFS has a very high viscosity, 1% TFPS aqueous solution into a transparent gel, added to the cosmetics can play a thickening and stabilizing role. For example, in hair conditioner formulations, TFPS acts as both a water phase humectant and an aqueous phase thickener.

[Applications in health products]

1, according to the "Chinese Drug Dictionary" recorded "strong refined kidney, strong lung, Shengjin cough, lowering fire, moistening the intestines and stomach, qi and blood, strong body, brain refreshing, beauty skin rejuvenation, longevity" .

2, as a nourishing good product is also suitable for post-mortem, postpartum physical weakness and general physical weakness.

3, for excessive labor, qi and yin deficiency, Shenpi fatigue, lung deficiency and asthma, spleen and stomach are more suitable.

[Packing specifications] 1kg/bag, 5kg/bag, 10kg/bag aluminum foil bag, lined with plastic bag, 25kg/barrel, medicinal drum.

[Save time] 2 years

【Precautions】 Please put it in a cool and dry place, open it and use it. The remaining items should be placed in a sealed container or wrapped in a sealed mouth to avoid moisture absorption and deterioration.

具体应用 建议用量 使用方法
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包装 25kg 有效期 - 存储条件 -







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