
Carp Pituitary Extract/Carp Pituitary Glands (CPG)

更新时间: 2024-09-26 20:24:40 责编:GHUV06 浏览

Carp Pituitary Extract/Carp Pituitary Glands (CPG)


Carp pituitariesIn nature, reproductive development and spawning in finfish is controlled by environmental factors such as temperature, photoperiod, nutrition, water quality, and presence of spawning substrate. In aquaculture, it is not always possible or economically feasible to replicate natural conditions especially as many species are now grown some distance from their original geographic location. Thus, endocrine or a combination of endocrine and environmental manipulations are utilized to facilitate reproduction. In the last decade significant research has been conducted worldwide on ripening fish sexuality using various preparations.

Carp Pituitary Glands (CPG) are whole acetone dried pituitaries of carps, which and can be used to speed up maturation (induced maturation) as well as the spawning process itself (induced spawning). Intramuscular injections are highly effective in increasing the incidence of spawning as well as possibly increasing egg take in certain species. The potential economic benefits of taking eggs earlier in a given season or in fact eliminating seasonality altogether in certain climates and regions are significant. Carp pituitary extract contains a variety of pituitary hormones, including gonadotropins, which are effective for the induction of final maturation and ovulation in various fish species. The pituitaries are harvested before the spawning season from mature carps with a body weight of more than 1 kg. There are about 300-400 pituitaries per gram. Carp pituitaries are pulverized and than suspended in distilled water or physiological saline solution (0,9 %) and injected intramuscularly at a dose of 1-10 Milligram/kg fish. Available in vials of 1 Gramm (= 1000 Milligram).

Carp Pituitary Extract/Carp Pituitary Glands (CPG)

CPE also named as Pituitary Gland Extract is used for the artificial propagation of different cultured fish species to induce the ovulation and/or spawning. The ovulation is brought about by injecting carp hypophysis extract into the dorsal muscle of the female and male.

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