
snow whiter powder-alum powder

更新时间: 2024-04-30 00:07:50 责编:IKNOZ7 浏览

snow whiter powder-alum powder


Tawas 粉又名“明矾粉”是一种由真正的矿物盐制成的环保材料。通常,在 Tawas Powder 包装上,您会看到成分为“硫酸铝钾”。纯形式的 Tawas 粉末没有气味。它可以是晶体状的小粉末,也可以是透明的固体,甚至可以是液体形式,您可以用作喷雾剂。Tawas 粉末以无毒着称。


Tawas 粉在菲律宾最受欢迎,因为它与普通除臭剂一样用于去除体味。几乎每家美容用品商店和当地街头小贩的“sari-sari”商店都可以找到 Tawas。这在菲律宾如此受欢迎的原因是因为它很便宜。与其他必须从其他国家进口并拥有名牌的除臭剂不同,Tawas 可以在没有品牌名的情况下出售。



如何使用 Tawas 粉?

Tawas 粉末的工作原理是,当您将其涂抹在出汗区域时,粉末会在白天与您的汗水混合,从而帮助导致体味的细菌停止滋生。

1. Tawas 粉是一种有效的除臭剂

要将 Tawas 粉用于除臭剂,最好在淋浴后立即使用。当您的皮肤仍然有点潮湿时,将 Tawas 粉末像除臭剂一样放在腋下。如果您不喜欢腋下的细小粉末,您可以在放入手上的 Tawas 粉末中混入少许水。Tawas 粉对皮肤也有已知的美白效果,所以如果你想淡化你的腋下区域;这是一个很好的项目。

2. Tawas 粉作为男士和女士的须后水

Tawas 粉末还有许多其他用途。有些人会将 Tawas 粉用作一种须后水。小心使用这款 Tawas 粉末作为须后水,因为刚打开的裸露皮肤会在涂抹粉末时受到刺激并开始刺痛。由于 Tawas 粉末是由真正的矿物盐制成的,它具有天然的收敛能力。如果您自己剃须,请使用 Tawas 粉末帮助防止任何感染开始。


3. 用 Tawas 粉预防脚臭

Tawas 粉的另一个已知用途是在晚上睡觉前使用该粉,以防止开始产生脚臭。就像您的腋下一样,脚会开始出汗并散发出难闻的气味。将 Tawas 粉末涂抹在脚部发热的部位将有助于缓解早晨和全天出汗的症状。必须定期使用才能获得最佳效果。

4. 使用 Tawas 粉治疗口腔溃疡

Tawas 粉可用于治疗口腔溃疡。口腔溃疡是口腔或牙龈底部发生的小损伤。,但它们可能是痛苦和不舒服的。要用于口腔溃疡,取一小撮 Tawas 粉末涂抹在口腔的口腔溃疡上。它可以帮助治疗疼痛并阻止伤口肿胀,从而使疮更快愈合。

常见的 Tawas 粉末滥用

以下是一些 Tawas 粉末应用,它们实际上会适得其反,甚至可能造成伤害。


1. Tawas 粉不是好漱口水

由于 Tawas Powder 可以安全地放入您的嘴中,一些 Tawas Powder 爱好者说他们用它作为漱口水来美白牙齿。不强烈建议这样做,因为将盐放入口中会带走所有水分。将 Tawas Powder 放入口中并用作漱口水会使您的口腔在吐出后感觉干燥、变小和超级紧绷。

2. 不要使用 Tawas 粉作为洗面奶

Tawas Powder 的另一个不推荐用途是使用 Tawas Powder 作为洗面奶。在亚洲,亚洲女性美白或漂白皮肤是很常见的,因为这是一个巨大的美容标准。由于Tawas Powder具有美白效果,因此有些人在脸上使用了它。虽然这会使皮肤变亮,但它可能会使皮肤变白太多,以至于皮肤开始看起来像幽灵般苍白而不自然。Tawas 粉末可以从面部皮肤中提取天然油脂和水分,使皮肤脱水。就像使用 Tawas Powder 作为漱口水一样,您的脸会感觉干燥、发痒和紧绷。



Tawas Powder非常棒。你用它来做什么?

列出所有这些用途后,Tawas Powder 具有低过敏性,可用于婴儿、幼儿、儿童、孕妇和哺乳期妇女。尽管 Tawas 粉对皮肤是安全的,但没有足够的研究证明孕妇和开始母乳喂养的妇女食用它是安全的。Tawas 粉按推荐剂量服用是安全的。对于任何其他用途或开始使用 Tawas 粉作为治疗,采取预防措施并咨询您的初级保健医生或皮肤科医生以获取有关 Tawas 粉的更多信息至关重要,它是您使用的最佳选择。


What is Tawas Powder?

Tawas powder aka ‘alum powder’ is an eco-friendly material made from real mineral salts. Commonly, on Tawas Powder packaging, you will see the ingredients as “aluminum potassium sulfate.” Tawas powder in its pure form has no smell. It can come in little crystal-like powder, in a transparent solid and even in a liquid version that you can use as a spray. The Tawas powder is known for being nontoxic.


Tawas powder is most popular in the Philippines as it is used to take away body odor just like regular deodorant. Tawas is found in almost every beauty supply store and local street vendors in their “sari-sari” stores. The reason for this being so popular in the Philippines is because it is cheap. Unlike other deodorants that have to be imported from other countries and have a name brand, Tawas can be sold without a brand name.

The Applications and Benefits of Tawas Powder

How to use Tawas Powder?

How the Tawas powder works is when you apply it to the perspiring area, the powder mixes in with your sweat during the day, and that helps the bacteria that causes body odor to stop developing.

1. Tawas Powder is an Effective Deodorant

To use Tawas powder for deodorant, it is best to use it right after a shower. While your skin is still a bit damp, put the Tawas powder under your armpits just like a deodorant. You can mix a bit of water into the Tawas powder you put into your hands if you do not like tiny grains of powder under your arms. Tawas powder also has a known whitening effect on the skin so if you are trying to lighten your underarm areas; this is an excellent item to use.

2. Tawas Powder as Aftershave for Men and Women

There are many other uses for the Tawas powder as well. Some people will use the Tawas powder as a kind of aftershave. Be careful with using this Tawas powder as an aftershave as your freshly opened bare skin can get irritated and start to sting when the powder is applied. Since the Tawas powder is made from real mineral salts, it has natural astringent abilities. If you cut yourself shaving, use the Tawas powder to help prevent any infections from starting.

3. Foot Odor Prevention with Tawas Powder

Another known use for Tawas powder is using the powder at night right before you go to bed to prevent foot odor from starting. Just like your underarms, feet can begin to sweat and get a smelly odor from them. Putting the Tawas powder on the hot areas of your feet will help relieve the symptoms of the sweat in the morning and throughout the day. It must be used regularly to get the best results.

4. Use Tawas Powder to Heal Canker Sore

Tawas powder can be used as a healing treatment for canker sores. Canker sores are small lesions that occur in the mouth or at the bottom of your gums. , but they can be painful and uncomfortable. To use for canker sores, take a pinch of the Tawas powder and apply it on the canker sore in your mouth. It can help treat the pain and stop the wounds from swelling up so that the sores can heal faster.

Common Tawas Powder Misuse

Below are some Tawas powder applications that are actually counterproductive and may even cause harm.


1. Tawas Powder Is Not A Good Mouth Wash

Since Tawas Powder is safe to be in your mouth, some Tawas Powder lovers have said they use this as a mouth wash to whiten their teeth. This is not highly recommended since putting salt in your mouth will take out all the moisture. Putting Tawas Powder in your mouth and using it as a mouth wash can make your mouth feel dry, smaller and super tight after you spit it out.

2. Do Not Use Tawas Powder As A Face Wash

Another not recommended use for Tawas Powder is using Tawas Powder as a face wash. In Asia, it is common for Asian women to whiten or bleach their skin as it is a huge beauty standard. Since Tawas Powder has a whitening effect, some people have used this on their face. While this will lighten up the skin, it might whiten to skin too much to where the skin starts to look a ghostly pale and not natural. The Tawas Powder can pull the natural oils and moisture from the face skin making the skin dehydrated. Your face could feel dry, itchy, and tight just like using Tawas Powder as a mouth wash.

Where to Buy Tawas Powder?

You can get it from IDOBIO alex@idobio.com

Tawas Powder is Pretty Great. What Do You Use It For?

With all of those uses being listed, Tawas Powder is hypoallergenic and can be used on infants, toddlers, kids, pregnant women and women who are lactating. Although Tawas Powder is safe for the skin, there is not enough research to prove it is safe for consumption in pregnant women and women who have started to breastfeed. Tawas powder is safe to consume in the recommended dosages. For any other uses or beginning to use Tawas Powder as a treatment, it is crucial to take precautions and consult your primary health care doctor or dermatologist for more information about Tawas Powder, and it is the best option for you to use.






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